Thursday, November 30, 2017

Book Review - "Turtles All The Way Down" - John Green

Author: John Green
Genre: Fiction
Sometimes, expectations hurt you quite a bit and this happened to me while I read "Turtles All the Way Down" from John Green. I was quite excited to get this book after I had read "Fault in Our Stars" from the same author but this book is a complete disaster according to me though it’s another Bestseller copy.
The story constantly revolves around a girl called Aza and her paranoia about the intestine related disorder, C.Diff. She constantly keeps worrying about how she is helping worms breed in her body by feeding the energy through the food she eats. Her hysterical behavior of cleansing her stomach by popping in hand sanitizer at times got way too obnoxious and the entire read becomes deranged at times.
The good part of the book was the explanation of Tuatura and the Obsessive Compulsion Disorder. The detailed explanation of the disorder and the behavioral changes has been expressed phenomenally and this is unimaginable but somewhere, the plot loses its significance and gets a little too complex with long and endless sentences.
The author has tried to squeeze in too much of information all at once and the story loses interest as there seems to be a loss of connection. The friendship between Aza and Daisy gets muddled up when they start involving in romantic relationships with Davis and Mychal respectively.
The plot which initially seems to be a thriller slowly loses its essence when Aza gets into a relationship with her old acquaintance, Davis Pickett. But ultimately, the novel gets a closure but I never found what happened to the Tuatura later and it was quite unbelievable to know that an animal can also become a legal heir of somebody's billion-dollar property.

"I thought about how we all believed ourselves to be the hero of some personal epic, when in fact we were basically identical organisms colonizing a vast and windowless room that smells of Lysol and lard." - Turtles All The Way Down

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