Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Farewell Day ............................ 22 October 2010 :) Mindtree to EMC2

How many of us have actually made difference in someone's life? ............................................. Small things might not look big so are people, strangers today are friends tomorrow :):):):):)

The farewell day was over unofficially with all other friends of mine in DDG, I had not noticed a change in myself. I was able to mask my emotions for another week with great difficulty for I consoled self that he would be there with us for another week yet. A week later, he had an official send-off party. I was a little disturbed, very soon did I realize that he was leaving all of us and joining a new organization.
Well, a part of my memory just flashed back, It started to flow just like a film reel. It paused at the most beautiful moments we had spent while it fast forwarded few things. I did not understand what was that I missed while my mind played every bit of the incidents that took place in his presence, but I could vaguely remember what was that it had tried to hide from me.

Getting up with a heavy head, early in the morning, I started to take a brisk walk to avoid the conflicts within me, while I constantly kept walking, a part of me just drifted away to the incidence that had occurred just a couple of days back.

My brain just flashed a piece of a movie that was in it's store for me to understand, why was my other friend so emotional the other day while this person had his official farewell, there were droplets of water in his eyes which fought violently and constantly with the heart to release it immediately, while my eyes stole a glance at him with my lips wearing a smile. I asked him, "Hey dumma, why are you sobbing buddy?". He did not whisper either, all he did was put his hand on my head as if he was petting his cute little sister with a grin. 
I did not understand the strange gesture of his then... But now, I knew what it was.......................He was leaving us.

 Yes, when he had put down his papers, I had not felt what I did feel today, tears had not rolled down my cheeks,Like it did the last night while I slept, I just remembered the wonderful moments spent with that person. It was just flashing back and forth my memory.

The tea-time breaks/the cafeteria/the idlis/the aunty's kitchen chats/the roadside samosas and tea/the chocolates he bought/the smile he was adorned with/the scoldings I got while he was unwell/the teasings/the Matte Mungaaru movie we watched with Pruthvi beside us sitting clenching his teeth :):) the troubleshooting job he did/the way he had sided all of us in one of the worst meetings we had/his silent way of admiring beauty and criticizing the page three personalities/and The agony aunt trip I had with him when I was in a grey mood.   What not????? 

I just thought, I knew a couple of months back that he wouldn't be amidst us by the end of October, the reality existed way back, but I guess I had masked the emotions within myself, till I got down the car on Saturday night after we came back home from a movie and slept with heavy heart and tear filled eyes trying to understand what strange emotion it was.

The last day here is  already over while the first day at your new firm is eager to embrace you.New environment, new assignments, new task. Everything is as new and fragile as a new born.

Wish you all the best :) and yes......"WE MISS U A LOtttttzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Yeh Dosti :):):):)
Some things, few places,handful of people not just catch your eyes they also print an impression on your heart leaving the fond memories lingering all the time making you happy whenever you think about it or them.

Not everyone are special, not all can cross your mind and grab your attention. You can not build the bridge of trust, love and affection with everyone and vice versa.
Sometimes the mechanism of our heart and brain just fascinates me to know more about them, but that's real insanity. The heart is a fist size and how does it allocate the space to each and everyone who gives an entry in your life. It's so amazing that our heart can also discrete between the special permissions, full control, partial control depending on the people :):):):) It's really not funny if I say that our heart must have learnt mathematics the moment it starts it's work for the first time when we are all in our mom's warm bag.

"How did I make friends with you?", I have always hated you and you have been my worst enemy all time but now I can never imagine sitting beside you hand in hand, teasing, making fun of you and unfortunately you are my best friend :):):) Most of the times, we end up with people ;whom we think we are incompatible with. How??
"How could that be possible?"
"How can I start liking a person whom I did not earlier?", "Am I crazy or is the opposite person driving me insane".
"I never spoke to you earlier and now we have become such thick friends".

We come across people from various walks of life, different culture,different religion,different country,opposite sex, sometimes we make pen friends whom we may never meet throughout our life yet the love and affection lasts forever.

Most of the relationships we make and try to maintain has some restrictions, boundaries and limitations. Why is friendship not designed accordingly? Nine out of ten times we do not hesitate to reveal the most important decision or a secret of our life to a friend but the same does not occur in any other relationships.

The last bench noise-makers, mass bunk, quarrel to gain half a mark in the examinations,exchange of cold stares, Adam and eve teasing, hide and seek, common toilets, common plates, snatching chocolate from each other's mouth, the adolescence love stories, the trips we went together, screaming, yelling, singing non-rhythmically, tapping our feet to the dance numbers. Despite all this, there is something called "BETWEEN FRIENDS" which never fades off. 

Endless nonsense, anytime disturbance, the most PRIVILEGED,group chatting in the name of group studies, hand in hand,winking at each other,cracking the most dirtiest jokes,laughing at the horrible poor joke;just not to make you feel sad, the gossiping, the birthday bumps,late night chats, calls, 12:00 wishes,accommodating each other, caring,boundless love and affection, the hugs and the weeping part when we depart from each other, when the life road takes a deviation due to various reasons and circumstances........

We all definitely have such wonderful gems who have the resistance to tolerate the most wicked, bad,evil us. Treasure them, they are worthy :):):):) irreplaceable by any other means or ways.:):):):)

This small piece of my writing is dedicated to the people whom I consider as, "THE BEST THINGS" happened to me :):):):) Yes..... To my FRENZZZZZZZZZZ :):):):):)I love you all :):):):):):)

"Friends are people who can love you much better than a lover does", was one of the quote written by my friend Hari to me during my college days. He left me mesmerized with those words and till date it brings a curve on my lips leaving a drop of tear in my eyes. How true is that?

Life takes different turns, we meet different people and the heart allocates some amount of space depending on the feelings we have towards the person. How wonderful is God's creation :):):):).Hats off to him :):):):)

This connection of friendship might not be through blood, but the feelings friends share between them is beyond the world's imagination.Never miss an opportunity to smile when you bump into someone, you may never know what are you banking :):):):)
God created relatives but he gave us the ultimate option of choosing the best buddies :)

Three cheers to all my buddies :):):)Love ya all :):):):):)
Let me end this small write-up :):):) with the lovely lines :):):)

"Ye dosti hum nahi todenge
Todenge dum magar tera saath na chhodenge
Ye dosti hum nahi todenge
Todenge dum magar tera saath na chhodenge"................................ :):):):)