Wednesday, March 11, 2015

"Castles of Sand - Constellation of Peace"

Sound sleep had become a rough mission; pleasant dreams turned to nightmares. No state of mind is as dreadful as insomnia is what she realized then. She woke up at frequent intervals; assuming that she suffered from sleep paralysis. Almost every single soul who visited in her dreams either begged for pardon or cried for forgiveness Going deeper into those dreams and contemplating them was out of scope and she cared the least to know more about them. A couple of weeks passed by and sleep being the quintessential need of one’s life to sustain; she had to find a way on her own to come out of this painful situation.

 Plethora of flowers bloomed in the garden; she lay on her back looking at the starlit sky with mind peeping into the old and dull books of her days gone by. She had come to the garden seeking solitude. She closed her eyes for a while trying to ease her mind and body from the hectic schedules life threw at her when she heard a gang of little girls scream and dance blissfully ; they were busy building sand castles and running around it singing rhymes taught at school. She wanted to move away from that place the very next moment but slowly she realized that their voice in unison was feast to ears. She opened her eyes and smiled involuntarily thinking, this is the place where one has to be to be to move away from melancholy; the sky was merely a vacuum and the stars bejeweled it. Castles in sand were meant to be gone by the wind but the girls built them with ease and celebrated every bit of it.

The little girls sang and danced with delight bringing out the lovely sound waves into space; she found no difference between the little angels and the sky. Both were just space and so was her mind. Inadvertently her mind started creating freedom that she yearned for; she was lost in stupor; her mind traveled slowly to take a peek at the closed books of her life; peacefully it read the lines – Peace is within you – Your mind is a sky and the thoughts you sow in it are the stars; create a lovely constellation of forgiveness like the music tweeted by the little girls around the sand castles.

The bright rays of the sun danced on her face waking her up; she opened her eyes to find the little girls and the starlit sky; gone were they leaving her in the state of trance. She had forgiven everyone she held a sense of vengeance on; she smiled looking at the mirror and said –

“Songs of tranquility is what I heard looking at the starlit airspace; I let go every bit of retaliation from me; the constellation of Peace is what I outline in the garden of my mind and let the flowers of "Love" blossom at all seasons"


Yogesh said...

Very Beautifuly Expressed the imporatnce of forgiveness and have Peace in onesself !!!!

Yogesh said...

Very Beautifuly Expressed the imporatnce of forgiveness and have Peace in onesself !!!!

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