Thursday, November 27, 2014

A tale of 60 seconds " Traffic Saga"

It was around 6 PM in the evening and I was wondering how the sun disappeared leaving the beautiful twilight for us to enjoy. I was waiting patiently in the auto-rickshaw waiting for the traffic signal to go green. I was having a chat with the driver and passing comments on the unbelievable traffic increase in our city. It was a lengthy signal and I had no choice but wait. I looked outside; there were eunuchs with colorful Sarees draped, neatly braided hair and lovely jasmine flowers that hung on one side of the shoulder, the bangles sung when they clapped their way to accumulate money before the signal turned green. Some of them just gave them money and were generously blessed; I was just amused by the things that occurred in 120 seconds. 

 I just relaxed when a pair of tiny hands and twinkling eyes caught my sight. A lady, in her early thirties or late twenties carried a kid on one side in a papoose and some toys in the other hand. She went around all the vehicles to sell the goods she has, some of them bought while the others ignored. She showed the baby and signaled that she was starving and that influenced some to just make a donation to her without actually buying anything. I just sat inside and observed the baby. It was so cold outside and it just reminded me of all the kids I knew and the way they were raised.  

They were protected from heat, cold, rain and everything else but the baby I saw today was in total contrast to what I had seen so far. He wore a woolen cap and a sweater to fight the cold winter breeze that blew on his face. His nose was pouring and his bare feet kicked the lady’s tummy with all the might.   He looked around while he played with the doll in his hand. He had his own elocution and everyone who saw him made some contribution. It was a horrific sight and my heart swelled in pain looking at the plight of an infant who was already on streets begging for alms. The lady started walking towards my auto, I had managed to find a Banana by then and as she approached I gave it to the kid and the million dollar toothless smile just brought tears of joy in my eyes. I was sad when I saw his plight but I later realized that he was happy with what he had just got and he was a child of God. It was a mere fruit but to the kid it was heaven.  

The signal turned green and the auto zoomed while my head was still outside catching the last glimpse of the baby who still smiled looking at the Banana in his hand. The tale of 60 seconds ended with little joy in my heart.  


Yogesh said...

Heart touching Story !!!!

Yogesh said...

Heart touching Story !!!!

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